España XXI

Proyecto de interacción cultural transfronterizo

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He drew first…


It’s not time for hate, neither for regret.

Whatever feeling directed to sadness or rage might be restored and reoriented to proudness and happiness.

Proud to be part of a society whose soul is being over-watched by marvellous beings which porpouse in life is to draw their thoughts and feelings. happy to share our existence with wise naive gods and godness of living as hard and commited to the present time as to be able to accomplish properly in their vital function of mirroring of our everyday mistakes and successes.

People as the ones that killed yesterday (no matter with which pretext, just killers, a well known human subspecie, at least while not regretting) who, even when being violently separated from us, should push ourselves towards civilization, art, dialogue, colour and light; the motives than moved the victims actions and justify such a unfairly high price to be paid.
Let’s honour their memories. Love beloveds.

Cartoonists perspective: